Monday, August 15, 2011

Mini-Vacation Photos (8/11)

We took a little vacation to PA & Nova, it was a much needed getaway! We left late Friday to head to Lancaster, PA. Normally we skirt around DC, but this time we decided to cut through. It was around 12:30am Saturday when we hit DC. We went up Independence and then made out way back to the expressway. Jess was driving so I was able to take pictures, I just had fun with it.

Here, we stopped as we cut across the National Mall, it was really beautiful with the Capitol on my side and the Washington Monument on the other side of the car.



As we continued through the district we passed the Chinese gate, my first time seeing it. The bars & clubs were busy and there were a lot of people bar hopping. Here are some more pictures from the drive.




On our way form PA to Nova, we decided to take some side roads and crossed the Susquehanna River at the Conowingo Dam, my first time seeing a hydro electric dam that I can remember. There were a lot of people at the base fishing, you can see one of them who waded out into the river in this picture.


While staying in Reston, we took an afternoon and went to Great Falls National Park. The falls are beautiful. We checked out the main overlooks and then hit the trail. The trails at Great Falls are very well maintained and I recommend the river trail, there are a lot of places to stop and look out at the river. This picture is from the first overlook.


It went by to quick, but we were able to spend some time with friends and family that we don't see to often.

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